What to Expect

What you can expect at our assemblies, and why.

Because the New Testament is our exact pattern for what we practice, you will see us participate in all of the following:

Sundays – 

  1. One of the men will make announcements to keep us all informed regarding the needs of our brethren, both here and abroad (see the closings of Paul’s epistles for examples).
  2. Selected men will lead the congregation in prayer, to offer thanksgiving to God, let Him know our requests, and ask for His blessings. (Acts 2:42, 12:5, 1 Tim.2:8, Js.5:16) 
  3. One of the men will lead the group in congregational, acapella (without musical instruments) singing, with the assistance of hymn books. (1 Cor.14:15, Eph.5:19, Col.3:16, Heb.13:15)
  4. Assembled Christians will partake of the “Lord’s Supper”, the unleavened bread representing Jesus’ crucified body, and the fruit of the vine (grape juice) representing Jesus’ atoning blood, in remembrance of Him. (Acts 2:42, 20:7, 1 Cor.10:16-17, 11:17-34) 
  5. Local members of Chatham Heights will make a financial offering so that the spread of the gospel here and abroad can continue, and so the physical needs of the saints can be met.  We will never ask for contributions from non-members.  Also note that our group does not have a “food pantry”, nor are funds used from the congregation’s treasury to assist non-saints, per the pattern given in the New Testament. (Rom.12:13, 15:26, 1 Cor.9:13-14, 16:1-2, 2 Cor.8-9:12)
  6. Our evangelist and other men will teach a lesson from the word of God, so that we can all become more faithful servants of Jesus Christ.  (Rom.10:14-15, Col.4:16, 1 Thess.5:27, 2 Tim.2:2, 4:2)


Wednesdays – Because numbers 4 and 5 above are exclusive to the first day of the week in the New Testament, on Wednesdays evenings we only have announcements, prayers, bible class/teaching and singing.