Welcome to our website! My name is Eric Bridge. I left secular work to begin preaching the gospel full time in August 2022. I feel privileged to be a part of this friendly, autonomous group of Christians that simply seeks to honor our heavenly Father, His Son, and the Holy Spirit in everything that we do, AND encourage and strengthen each other while we do so! Everyone is welcome at our assemblies, so please stop by. Jesus loved you enough to die for you, and we truly want what is best for you, eternally.
I am also eager to study the bible with you, because we want everyone in this area to KNOW, from the word of God, whether or not they are truly saved. The devil has deceived so many - Don't let this be said of you. I can help you - not because I am anything special, but because we do not use any uninspired creed books here. I can simply show you what the word of God says, and then the rest is up to you. Please call me to study the bible on these matters, before it is too late. 540-835-8061.