Please mark your calendars for 10:00 AM, the morning of May 20th. The Chatham Heights church of Christ will be handing out up to 90 free bibles to anyone in the community who would like to read the word of God. These are good, legible bibles, containing both the Old and New Testaments, in a translation that is both true to the manuscripts and also easy to understand. We plan to have a tent setup in our parking lot from 10:00-12:00 on that day, and will also provide contact information for our evangelist and information about our congregation. If you could complete a visitor’s card for us, with at least your name and email address so that we can send you ONE email later on, we would appreciate it. (We do NOT send multiple emails, and the information is never shared with anyone.) We are a smaller, autonomous, friendly group of Christians trying to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ so as many persons can be saved as possible. This information is listed in the Events section of our website (, on our Facebook page, and multiple other locations where we will advertise. Existing members of Chatham Heights are also invited to attend, to greet our neighbors in the community. 2229 Old Chatham Rd, Martinsville VA 24112. Hope to see you all there!